Wednesday, March 07, 2007


This blog is going to be ditched. I am probably not going to be writing here anymore. Email if you would like to talk to me or would like me to start posting again.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Well, anyone here ever heard of the Brit Awards? Yeah, MUSE won the Best Live Act in 2005 and has been nominated again for the 2007 awards for Best Group, Best Album and Best Live Act! Go MUSE!

Now about the NME awards. Yeah, MUSE got nominated. Best British Band, Best Live Band, Best Track (Supermassive Black Hole ( for more)), Best Album (Black Holes and Revelations) and finally, Sexiest Man (Matthew Bellamy)!!!

See? I told you MUSE is a great band...

Also, Chelsea Football Club is pwning! Check them out too! Don't forget the best player on earth - Michael Ballack.

So yeah, have fun watching MUSE win that Brit Awards 2007 on CBC on February 15, 2007 at 2200 (8:00p.m.) and check the internet for the NME awards after March 1, 2007! Yeah!

Friday, February 02, 2007

New blogs

Monday, August 22, 2005

Friends move away and come again

My friend Aaron ____ has moved away on Saturday, I wish him a good future and myself another friend who might live in Aaron's old house, best wishes, Aaron!

Friday, August 19, 2005

Real Live Dinosaur, or not...


A real live Dyrosaur has been reported to be captured at the Auckland War Memorial Museum in New Zealand, for more info, please visit or The second web site is the best because it has a clip on the Dyrosaur/Dinosaur.

The thing is, in the clip the host says it’s a robotic dinosaur but the archaeologist says it’s a real live dinosaur, who knows? There’s evidence that it’s real and there’s evidence that it’s not real, what do you think, write me reply at I’d like to know what you think of it, my friends, one more thing, the archaeologists found the dry sort of dinosaur in a rain forest and there have been no records of any dinosaur like this one and no footprints match except the ones that were found by the Dyrosaur…

Monday, December 20, 2004

Lots To Tell

Guess What! I've seen The Polar Express and it's better than the book! Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban , the theater edition is better than the DVD edition! Oh ya, I almost forgot, I reached my goal today! I've finished a mini igloo before Christmas! I've got some pictures.

Friday, December 03, 2004

Which one?

Dear Friends who read my BLOGS,


I need you to tell me either I should update this BLOG or my other on ,


Websites You Can Go To

Which one?

Dear Friends who read my BLOGS,


I need you to tell me either I should update this BLOG or my other on ,
